As you get to know me, you'll soon find out just how much I adore Amelia (Mia) and Wyatt. They are my grandkids and I'm their Mimi. Without them I wouldn't be Mimi and Mimi's Collection wouldn''t exist. They have a way of showing me a fresh perspective on things that I let become ordinary. Through a child's eyes things are more vibrant, fresh, colorful.
All that said, I am so happy to begin my blogging career...and career is exactly what I'm turning this into. Carefully researching and cautiously experimenting, I have studied and planned and am officially taking my first baby steps. I'm not a computer whiz, and after all these years, can still be heard arguing with the thing. But see, I've thrown caution to the wind and here I am. I say, "CHEERS" ever so quietly (since I finally got brave after 2 am).
Welcome. May this blog inspire you, occasionally captivate you, frequently make you smile and mostly encourage you to see otherwise ordinary things in a fresh new way.
Love this blog. Looking forward to more inspiring entries!