
Holidays sure can be a mixed bag for many, but I hope you all had some good memories this time around. Here's one of mine..a sweet moment with my Amelia (a Mia and Mimi moment). We didn't do good at taking photos. We did get Jennifer a Flip cam...just like Sandi Henderson's and really wanted to make a video but it didn't happen. We were always in a rush or when we stopped long enough we crashed and burned.
I think I told you about our dear friend that has cancer. Well, Tim drove to get him and we had him stay with us for a few days. It was very different from our annual Christmas get-togethers, as you can imagine. I did lots of cooking and baking because he's always loved a good meal. But he really couldn't eat much and I have tons of food and sweets leftover. Does Goodwill take Christmas cookies?
We also had our annual New Years Eve party here. It was so much fun. A bunch of middle- agers drinking wine and Wii bowling was more fun than we have had all year! New Years Eve morning Tim's mom (who has Alzheimer's) called at
5 a.m. I can never get back to sleep so by the time the guests left and we cleaned up the confetti, etc. I realized I'd been going strong for 20 hours. I literally laid on the sofa January 1st and had an HGTV Fest all by myself, ate leftover Hors Devours, chocolate covered pretzels and gained another pound.
Jennifer and Joe also sold their house on New Years Eve, after only a short stint on the market. We went with them to walk through a potential model home they are interested in. Joe and Tim were only mildly surprised when I whipped out my measuring tape and Jennifer recorded dimensions for all the cubbies and insets. The interior designer in me perked right up and Jennifer, of course, is in heaven. I'll keep you posted.
Tim and I also had time to do a project we've wanted to get to for over a year. As you know, we repaintd our entry. Well, we started a family photo collage going up the stairs. It's a work in progress, but here's what we got done so far. Once I take down the Christmas decorations I'll give you the full reveal (I promise, it's not that bright):

Okay, so I know you are all waiting to see who the winner of the "When Santa Visits Go Wrong" Giveaway. I am serious when I say I had a heck of a time deciding. So in the end I said, "Who would Ellen choose?" I couldn't get ahold of Ellen, but I'm pretty sure it would have been Julia Gabriel here with the black eye. I mean seriously, she said she got the black eye from tripping on shoe laces. Do you think it was the shoe laces from those boots she's wearing? Julia, I know you could have won a trip or a at least a TV if you were on the Ellen show. But you win 25 fat quarters from my Woodland Delight fabrics for sharing this hilarious photo with us. Please send me your address, you lucky gal. And thank you to everyone else for your funny stories and photos. If you haven't done so, please go to the last few posts. It'll bring a smile, even if you're feeling kinda Scroogey.

So, now it's back to those projects and To Do lists and a brand new year to procrastinate. I love you all for cheering me on and I hope to give you more reasons to cheer in 2010!