Jennifer Storey; my friend, business partner, roomie and daughter. Why, look at those shoes!
Kathy and Michael of Michael Miller Fabrics. Both are so kind and great to work with.
Patty Young of modkidboutique and I both presented our first line of fabrics with MMF and became fast friends. Her and her husband Jon were the best neighbors at such a big show.
And here are Patty and I with Sandi in a line-up. We didn't do it, honest! Sandi was the neighbor next to me and our 3 booths looked awesome together, I must say!
I have about a bazillion other photos, but so does everyone else. So much happened and I met with so many fantastic people. Thank you to everyone for welcoming Flights of Fancy with open arms, and for your genuine concern about my healing arm and shoulder. Now my arm assures me it's ready to pull a second collection out of it's sleeve!