I haven't been blogging or checking out my go to blogs. Doing good remembering to breathe these days. I do receive Google Alerts (if you don't, check it out). So this morning I did a double take and sure enough, Holly Becker of Decor8 bought a couple of my chevron fabric prints and posted about it. I just feel good about that, ya know?
To think that a couple years ago I had 10 people working with me. Because of the economy and changes made by the CPSIA I have downsized considerably. Yup, down to me, myself and I. Jennifer became what I call casual part-time as her Stella and Dot business grew. We cut the cord (whine). It's all good. I'm a proud mama. However, I'm still playing catch-up and finding I can no longer juggle like I used to. I'm dropping a few things. (That's a picture of me above..cute huh?) Wonder what the future holds?