"Ma'am, we are here to help." And instantly, 7 men spread out among the rooms in no organized fashion. To my amazement, one of the first rooms they dove into was the kitchen and pantry. It was 100 degrees outside and close to that indoors with all the doors open. Yet less than 1/2 hour into a very, very long three days all the bottled water, soft drinks, wine, snacks, FOOD was packed up and on the blistering hot truck. No silverware, glasses, paper cups in the house. I kept forgetting and got disappointed all over again every time I went to grab something to eat or drink.
No matter how many guys I told "Do Not Pack The Computer Modem, it has to be returned." They packed the modem. "Do Not Pack The Baskets in the shelving units..they stay with the house." "Ma'am, do we pack these baskets?" "No, they stay with the house." I counted at least 4 times I repeated those words. Walked past my office and said, "Where are the baskets?" "I was told to pack them up ma'am".
Second day new faces appear so I get to repeat everything all over again. Within the first couple hours one of the guys goes and gets himself fired. Apparently it took all the guys an hour to work on that little situation outside. When they finally came in they said they were going to lunch!!! Between the 2 hrs and multiple smoke breaks and them leaving at 3:30 we were ready to break into the truck to find the wine.
Third day, new faces, new stresses and one very late night because the next day was Sunday and we weren't letting them wait and come back Monday. I was told, "Ma'am, Do Not Pack Candles or Matches in this heat". All I can think of is what's going to happen when the multiple cans of Pepsi and Mountain Dew explode? But I sadly set my gazillion candles and matches in a box to take over to Jennifer's. "Do Not Touch These Boxes of Candles and Matches". "Where are the boxes of candles". "Oh, I was told to pack them ma'am."
Now, when they say pack, that's a very loose term, as we found out on the other end of the move. For instance, you gotta commend the Kitchen Dude for carefully wrapping up this empty roll of packing tape and almost empty can of Mountain Dew, right?
On the other hand, the Bathroom Dude decided he'd save some paper and time by wrapping all the tooth brushes, toilet bowl brushes and bathroom scrub sponges together, all tight up against each other. No photo; I was too mad to go find the camera. And there must be a rule that they CANNOT pack two alike things from the same room in the same box. We are still trying to find lamps, or rather, all the pieces to the same lamp. So Tim comes to me and says, "Honey I found the shop light. And look, the bulb isn't broken".
This shop light looks like I feel, twisted, but still working. There are some broken things that are not so funny, so I won't be going there today. I did unpack enough that by yesterday I was able to make a little vignette of sorts. Not that any of it will stay together or that the wall color won't change, but I just had to have one little spot that looked "put-together" in my upside down world.
Speaking of upside down, just one of the weird things the moving dudes would do is empty the boxes we already neatly packed. I had my Demdaco products organized along with the packing slips checked off for inventory. One night Tim remembered that he wanted to give the new owners of our house the Christmas wreaths that we hung on the windows for the holidays. He went to the basement and discovered they unpacked all my products and shoved them in with the Christmas ornaments and decorations. They took a handmade Charlie Brown type Christmas tree out of a box Tim made especially to protect the tree and crushed it into one of their boxes, because it didn't fit. Needless to say, the Christmas boxes are in storage and I can't do my giveaway until I find them. I am so sorry. I am trying to find the bolts and screws and knobs to our furniture. The Head Mover Dude asked ME if I knew where HE put them. Seriously? Wait, maybe they're with the pillows and Christmas decorations.
My car was just delivered; an older BMW, that ironically came to IN from an old lady in CA that hardly put any miles on it. Funny thing, cause now I could be that lady. See, when God was handing out Sense Of Direction I got lost and never found that line. To this day I can barely find my way out of the Ladies Room, so I won't be taking off anytime soon. Plus I have to take an exam to drive here. Be scared, very scared.

Here's a photo looking out the bathroom window onto our side patio. Just wanted you to know it's not all skanky carpet here, especially if I look up every once in awhile.
Now off to unpack more stories; I mean, boxes.