Okay, now that the new floors are down in the living and family rooms I am getting excited about moving towards some designing. Here is what I've come up with for the family room. I must tell you that we found the area rug last weekend at Home Goods. However there was another couple already expressing interest in it. They walked off (probably because we were hovering) and my bad self wanted to snatch it up, but my gooder self won over and we waited to see what they would do. They bought it. I was quite disappointed, esp. after checking the rug out online. Well, my awesome husband had to drive up to LA on business this week and on his way back he stopped at 4 Home Goods stores and finally found another rug. I know, please don't hate me. He did that totally on his own, he's that kind of guy. The best thing is that it's an indoor/outdoor rug, yet doesn't look or feel outdoorish at all. No wait, THE BEST THING is that it was $100 less than the websites were charging for the same rug. Happy dance.
When Jennifer and the kiddos were here for Spring Break last month we had an art day together. I started this painting of Tim, Wyatt and Amelia at the beach, but that's as far as I got. I see that it might just have a promising future in the family room and am excited to finish it along with some seascapes. I confess I am one that likes my art to match the sofa. Shocker, huh?

Finally, I wanted to thank you all for your great comments on my last post. I got a few interesting suggestions, in fact, here is one from Funky Kim. It makes me smile, but don't think the neighbors would have the same reaction.