First of all, thanks so much for the kind wishes for a speedy recovery. Tim stocked me up with loads of mashed potatoes, my absolute favorite food. He even found some Mash n Cheese mashed potatoes that were to die for...I almost overdosed. But I wasn't healing and finally called the dentist. He had me come in immediately and did awful things, folks. Just awful, I say. But I have to admit that today is much better, so I'm finally on the mend I hope. However, I just lost a week that I need to get back right away. Any ideas?
For me, getting a creative bug is a restless, unsettled feeling; like an itch I can't reach. It's an affliction I've had as long as I can remember. I pace. I stare. I dream. When I finally know what I want to do, it turns into an obsession. I'm getting the bug about giving this new place of ours some personality. A couple weekends ago Tim and I were running errands and stopped at a furniture consignment store. Walking down the isles I spot this old french chair. It has stains on the fabric, but I want to redo it anyway. So for less than $150, I consider it a steal. Goosebumps.

As we were rounding the last isle, the entire wall was filled with SOLD items, all packed and stacked as tight as possible. I spotted THE SOFA (sounds of a harp) stacked up on a pile. My very tiny glimmer of hope was that I didn't see the usual SOLD sign that was attached to everything else. The first person I talked to said it was sold. Final. Then I wanted to know how much it sold for. I talked to a second person and followed her to the counter. I somehow sensed a tiny hole in this SOLD, FINAL story when the manager got involved. When I was younger I believed no meant no. I have since learned that there are several layers between "No" and "Where would you like us to place this Mrs. Prass?". This was one of those miraculous occasions. Mr. Manager says to give him a few minutes and next thing I know I'm the proud owner of this french sofa. My gut feeling is maybe this beauty was going to his house. Just a guess. $399 and a few hours later I was answering to, "Where would you like us to place this Mrs. Prass?" The fabric is in good condition and it was just meant to be in my livingroom, don't you agree?

So while I'm doing a Show + Tell, I also snagged this chest for the entry hall just days before moving out here. It was a steal and in perfect condition. Eventually the mirror and lamps will get a makeover or a relocation, but this is a good start. I so appreciate the storage. Certainly won't be storing the mittens and scarves here (it will be 98 degrees today, but no humidity). And the umbrella is just gathering dust for now.
Now I can't wait to add my own touches, like punchy new pillows all over that schweet sofa. Goosebumps.
Of course I made you read all this before I announce the Wink Wink Winner.
Random Generator picked~
I love this new line!! While it's a tough choice, I think the blue or green are calling my name right now. I hope you're enjoying San Diego, keep up the beautiful work.
So Suzy-Homemaker, just send me an email with your final color choice and where to send Wink Wink. xoxo